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Data Definitions

Read more about the data included in the Covid Act Now API.



Cumulative confirmed or suspected cases.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.cases
  • JSON file fields: actuals.cases, actualsTimeseries.*.cases

New Cases#

New confirmed or suspected cases.

New cases are a processed timeseries of cases - summing new cases may not equal the cumulative case count.

Processing steps:

  1. If a region does not report cases for a period of time, the first day cases start reporting again will not be included. This day likely includes multiple days worth of cases and can be misleading to the overall series.
  2. Any days with negative new cases are removed.
  3. An outlier detection filter is applied to the timeseries, removing any data points that seem improbable given recent case numbers. Many times this is due to a backfill of previously unreported cases.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.newCases
  • JSON file fields: actuals.newCases, actualsTimeseries.*.newCases

Case Density#

The number of cases per 100k population calculated using a 7-day rolling average.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.caseDensity
  • JSON file fields: metrics.caseDensity, metricsTimeseries.*.caseDensity

Infection Rate#

R_t, or the estimated number of infections arising from a typical case.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.infectionRate
  • JSON file fields: metrics.infectionRate, metricsTimeseries.*.infectionRate

Infection Rate Ci90#

90th percentile confidence interval upper endpoint of the infection rate.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.infectionRateCI90
  • JSON file fields: metrics.infectionRateCI90, metricsTimeseries.*.infectionRateCI90


Positive Tests#

Cumulative positive test results to date

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.positiveTests
  • JSON file fields: actuals.positiveTests, actualsTimeseries.*.positiveTests

Negative Tests#

Cumulative negative test results to date

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.negativeTests
  • JSON file fields: actuals.negativeTests, actualsTimeseries.*.negativeTests

Test Positivity Ratio#

Ratio of people who test positive calculated using a 7-day rolling average.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.testPositivityRatio
  • JSON file fields: metrics.testPositivityRatio, metricsTimeseries.*.testPositivityRatio

Test Positivity Ratio Details#

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.testPositivityRatioDetails
  • JSON file fields: metrics.testPositivityRatioDetails, metricsTimeseries.*.testPositivityRatioDetails


Icu Beds#

Information about ICU bed utilization details.


  • capacity - Current staffed ICU bed capacity.
  • currentUsageTotal - Total number of ICU beds currently in use
  • currentUsageCovid - Number of ICU beds currently in use by COVID patients.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.icuBeds
  • JSON file fields: actuals.icuBeds, actualsTimeseries.*.icuBeds

Hospital Beds#

Information about acute bed utilization details.


  • capacity - Current staffed acute bed capacity.
  • currentUsageTotal - Total number of acute beds currently in use
  • currentUsageCovid - Number of acute beds currently in use by COVID patients.
  • typicalUsageRate - Typical acute bed utilization rate.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.hospitalBeds
  • JSON file fields: actuals.hospitalBeds, actualsTimeseries.*.hospitalBeds

Icu Capacity Ratio#

Ratio of staffed intensive care unit (ICU) beds that are currently in use.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.icuCapacityRatio
  • JSON file fields: metrics.icuCapacityRatio, metricsTimeseries.*.icuCapacityRatio


Vaccines Distributed#

Number of vaccine doses distributed.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.vaccinesDistributed
  • JSON file fields: actuals.vaccinesDistributed, actualsTimeseries.*.vaccinesDistributed

Vaccinations Initiated#

Number of vaccinations initiated.

This value may vary by type of vaccine, but for Moderna and Pfizer this indicates number of people vaccinated with the first dose.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.vaccinationsInitiated
  • JSON file fields: actuals.vaccinationsInitiated, actualsTimeseries.*.vaccinationsInitiated

Vaccinations Completed#

Number of vaccinations completed.

This value may vary by type of vaccine, but for Moderna and Pfizer this indicates number of people vaccinated with both the first and second dose.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.vaccinationsCompleted
  • JSON file fields: actuals.vaccinationsCompleted, actualsTimeseries.*.vaccinationsCompleted

Vaccinations Initiated Ratio#

Ratio of population that has initiated vaccination.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.vaccinationsInitiatedRatio
  • JSON file fields: metrics.vaccinationsInitiatedRatio, metricsTimeseries.*.vaccinationsInitiatedRatio

Vaccinations Completed Ratio#

Ratio of population that has completed vaccination.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: metrics.vaccinationsCompletedRatio
  • JSON file fields: metrics.vaccinationsCompletedRatio, metricsTimeseries.*.vaccinationsCompletedRatio



Cumulative deaths that are suspected or confirmed to have been caused by COVID-19.

Where to access

  • CSV column names: actuals.deaths
  • JSON file fields: actuals.deaths, actualsTimeseries.*.deaths