Covid Act Now API
The Covid Act Now API provides access to all of our COVID data tracking US states, counties, and metros.
It includes data and metrics for cases, vaccinations, tests, hospitalizations, and deaths. See data definitions for all included data.
The API provides the same data that powers Covid Act Now but in easily digestible CSV or JSON files, intended for consumption by other COVID websites, models, and tools.
RegisterRegistration Closed
The Covid Act Now website is no longer being updated due to a lack of reliable data. We continue to surface this content for archival purposes. We are NOT accepting any new registrations for API access.
Data endpointsIn the examples below, replace YOUR_KEY_HERE
with the API key from Step 1 above.
The Covid Act Now API has coverage for states, counties, and metro areas (CBSAs). You can query the data in CSV or JSON formats.
Learn how to query:
- Current data for all states, counties, and metros
- Historic data for all states, counties, and metros
- Data for an individual state, county, or metro area
- Aggregated US data
Details on the contents of each endpoint are available in the API Reference
Current data for all states, counties, or metrosThese endpoints contain the latest available data (a single, scalar value per field) for all states, counties, and CBSAs (metros).
Each file contains all locations in the region type.
For example,
contains all US counties.
CSV formatRead the API Reference for /v2/states.csv, /v2/counties.csv, /v2/cbsas.csv.
JSON format#
Historic data for all states, counties, or metrosThese files contain the entire history (a timeseries for every field) for all states, counties, and cbsas (metros).
CSV formatRead the API reference for /v2/states.timeseries.csv, /v2/counties.timeseries.csv, /v2/cbsas.timeseries.csv
JSON formatnote
As /v2/counties.timeseries.json
contains historic data for every county, it is very large. If you are looking for counties in a single state, consider
downloading counties for a single state.
Data for individual locationsIt's easy to query a single state, county, or metro area.
Current data#
Historic data#
Data for all counties in a stateYou can also query all counties for a single state.
Aggregated US dataWe also calculate country-wide data for the entire US.
LicenseData is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
We are a volunteer-driven 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to provide reliable and trustworthy COVID data, with a focus on U.S. counties. Since we started on March 20th, we’ve made our model and data open-source and freely available to the public.
This data requires a non-trivial amount of work to organize, sanitize, maintain, and develop, especially given the fast-changing nature of COVID and health data in the U.S. In order to ensure that we can continue to deliver best-in-class open-source COVID data, our tiny, volunteer-driven team appreciates donations here.
We also ask that, as legally required by our license, all commercial entities wishing to access our API contact to acquire a commercial license. We define commercial users as any individual or entity engaged in commercial activities, such as selling goods or services.
Our non-commercial users can freely download, use, share, modify, or build upon our source code.